
I missed the lecture this morning. When I went to school, Mich told me about a short video clip that was shown during lecture. It made our lecturer cried.

The clip showed the different stages in a lady's life. The day she was born, how she grew up, how she met the man of her life and how they got married. And then, she was diagnosed with cancer.

The doctor told her she only had 3 months left. She started to cherish life, more than she ever had. She stopped thinking of how people would look at her when she showed her affection to her husband. Afterall, he was her dearest. There was noone more important than him.

Our lecturer picked up her phone and called her mother the first time she watched the clip. She told her mother she loves her. And then she started tearing in the lecture theatre.

And then I cried too.

There're times when I reflect on myself and let thoughts run wildly through my mind. Today is one of the days. I reflected on my life, myself and people around me. I realised how sentimental I've become since coming here (also quoted from Sam Chen, becoming half a Singaporean). Yea, life sucks here. I don't like the country, the environment nor the people.  If it wasn't for the decision that I made, I could still be studying in Penang, going out occasionally with my beloved friends. Correction- wives, sisters, everything in my life. Every Sunday, I would go out for breakfast with my family.

Coming here was a complete culture shock. I can't remember how many times I'd regretted my decision.

Then, I realised it's sucky things like these that make me appreciate people dearest to me. The last time I went back Penang, KK told me I'm a lot closer to my parents now. Although I still don't talk as much to my father, she could see that we're on better terms and that I make an effort to make it better. My mother responds to my lame jokes now. =O And my niece actually listens to me! Oh, and she "communicates" to me in French too. XD

Nothing gives me more warmth than to listen to my mother nagging over the phone. She's not naggy, she's just worried.

School sucked last semester. I dreaded going to school everyday. There were always conflicts, always things to worry about and I was always complaining. More than once each week, I would go home and cry myself to sleep. Now, I look back and I appreciate what I had learnt.

It's true when someone tells you to thank people who make your life miserable.

Things happen for a reason. Without them, I wouldn't know who matters to me, who doesn't. I've learnt not to rely on others. I should always, always, believe in myself. Only I can make things happen if I want to. Complaining doesn't help, it depresses you. As cliche as it may sound, nothing is impossible if you just believe.

Don't blame them, thank them instead. =)
